Welcome to Thalia Productions
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Oral and written communication. Tools for businesses and private individuals.



Thalia Productions offers consulting services in oral and written communication. Our services are destined to businesses and private individuals.

Our job is to check the meaning of words and to give you all kinds of ways to use them.


The word Thalia refers to the muse of comedy. A mask at hand, this cheerful young girl raises the curtain and introduces herself crowned with ivy.

Many statues represent her with a bugle or a megaphone, an instrument used to support actors' voices in antique comedy. In Greek mythology, Thalie means « the joyful, the prosperous ».

Originally a rural divinity, her name evokes a revival, spring, the time where nature turns green again.

It is she who guides our approach



Sophie Deschaumes

As an actress, trainer, artistic director and dubbing adapter, Sophie has extensive experience in team work.

Her taste for text, song and scene, her vast knowledge of television channels and major companies expectations naturally lead her to found Thalia Production.


Marc Séclin

Is it the staging that lead him to teach or teaching that brought him to the stage?

To his craft, Marc adds writing and adaptation. He offers something that gives a voice to your mode of communication. The fact that he finds himself responsible for the editorial line of documentaries, TV series or online publications allows him to work with people from all walks of life.

Each individual he chooses to serve has a common denominator: a passion to share ideas.

We are members of the following writer's organizations, and some of these protect our copyrights worldwide :

Contact Us

Roaming Office - Montréal - Villenave 1-514 677 36 33 +33 6 20 27 05 99

Contact us by filling out the form below.

Thalia Productions


Conception et Direction Artistique :
Design and artistic direction:
Sophie Deschaumes et Marc Séclin
Développement et Mise en Ligne :
Web development and publishing:
Fillipe Montenegro
Design :
Graphic design:
Lilliane Andres-Texeira
Photographies :
© Marc Gibert pour Adecom Photographie
Adaptation anglaise :
English adaptation:
Celeste Nelson pour Moonlight Writing
Le logo de Thalia est signé :
Thalia logo signed:
Maryo Thomas
Support Juridique :
Legal support:
Clémentine du Pradel pour Lexstart
Coiffure :
Sébastien pour Les Tailleurs Coiffeurs
Anges tutélaires :
Guardian angels:
Colette, Jean-Baptiste et William


Thalia est un tableau peint en 1739 par Jean-Marc Nattier. Il est exposé au Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco.

Thalia, painting by Jean-Marc Nattier, 1739, is now at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco.


Aucun fût de bière n’a subi de mauvais traitements pendant la réalisation de ce site.

No beer barrel was mistreated during the production of this site.

© Thalia Productions - 2017